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What is a WebQuest good for?

In times where Information and Communication Technologies attack the educational field from every angle, it is important to keep focus on teaching the best way possible in order to supply the students needs. 


​The construction of the WebQuest and the use of different kind of WebQuest on teaching transform the learning process because the student gets totally involved into the process. Been a passive subject is not possible using WebQuest because is the student who creates the essence of the course. Aware of the opportunities that working on Web-Quests bring to the classroom, we decided to create a guide that helps teachers on the creation and development of activities based on “Web-Quests”. Our guide will be an instructive/teaching tool so teacher will know what kind of activities are the best in order to improve the L2 learning process according to the contexts, the students, the geographical situation, etc...

First, it must be a theoretical background that supports our suggestions but also practical examples of how the different activities could work on the class.

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